Sunday 30 January 2011

Audience Research: Bar Charts

For this bar chart you can see that from the 9 people i interviewed that 7 of them preferred to read about interviews in a music magazine, after reviewing this result I can safely say that my double page spread will be an interview with my band 'The White Fight'. And on the other hand new releases and new artists had one vote a piece; but in my opinion I thought that new releases would have been more popular than in was.

For this bar chart on the price people would be willing to pay for a music magazine, it was quite close between £3.00 and £4.00 but 5 out of 9 people went with £4.00. From this result I have made my magazine the reasonable price of £4.00 which is the average price for a magazine in the market today. From looking at these results I could have given the option of £3.50 instead of £5.00 because I think I may have over estimated on this option.

For this question in my questionnaire I really wanted to get a positive result of one more than the others, as people chose 'image(s)' as the top choice. I was very pleased as I went for this as the main focus point for my music magazine which will hopefully make my magazine look that little bit more professional. Overall one person chose the magazine title which yes is also an attractive part of a music magazine so I will try to make my title also stand out with bold colours.

For this question I was un-sure about adding in the 'both' option as most people in my opinion would choose this because it gives two choices in one option. As I expected the majority went for both Serif and Sans-serif font, but these answers do give me a better idea of what the readers of music magazine prefer to see and read about.

For this question I wanted to be very specific on the answers as the layout for the contents page is very important; as it is the page where the reader can find top stories fast. As this result was close I decided to go with the majority vote as this was the option I would have also gone for, from past research on Rolling Stone and Mojo contents pages.

This question about what makes you want to buy a music magazine was very important, as it provided me with the top 3 reasons why people buy music magazines. Images, stories and who is in it where the top 3 choices and this will be the starting blocks for taking good quality photos, write amazingly gripping stories and include popular band/artist names as the main attraction points.

While analysing this bar chart I could see a definite choice from the questionnaires, the way I only allowed my interviewees to have these specific choices allowed me to get more of an accurate and specific idea of how I will lay out my double page spread. From my magazine draft above this post you can see I took on board this idea of the image on the left and over the centre of the page; this gives my DPS a more eye catching comparison to an actual music magazine.
For this question I wanted to get basically a popular colour scheme for my music magazine that will stand out but also be liked by the reader. As you can see the majority of people chose red, white and black which from my draft above you can see I chose this as it would look best not just from my point of view but also the interviewees. 

In conclusion I would safely say that my interview questions were very specific and covered all the areas needed for my research into front covers, contents pages and double page spreads. I also made sure my questionnaires were given out to both genders to get a wider range of opinions from both boys and girls. Overall I would say I now have a much better idea of what the buyers of music magazines prefer to read, see and hear about; which will make me want to make my magazine the best it can be for the information and the readers enjoyment.

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