Wednesday 26 January 2011

Diary Entry Week 8 - 10: Final Cut

Week 8
I firstly started by reading through the corrections I needed to do from my teachers and peers. This really gave me a great insight of what my target audience think and if they would be attracted to it. I then started on my front cover where I only had a few minor corrections for example: top 3rd looked to plain, writing was hard to see and image was too bright. This was all easy to change as I had a brief plan of what to do before the lesson.
I secondly moved on to my contents page where I only had 3 changes to make, the majority of my class thought one of my photos was to dark; so I lightened this up by using the brightness/contrast tool.
I also had to change a few fonts as I had to many one one page, which made the magazine look to over crowded.

Week 9
On the second week I had finished my front cover and contents page; which just needed to be checked and fully analysed. All I had to do was my double page spread, which took a lot longer than I thought. I firstly had to make the heading 'The White Fight' a larger font as my feedback stated that the text was hard to read smaller, this meant I needed to delete the text and start again as I erased some of the text to let the branches overlap. I secondly had to tidy up the columns as they looked very messy, to do this was a hassle as I needed to copy the text to a windows document then paste it back to photo shop, and then click 'Ctrl-shift-J' to make the text perfectly parallel. Furthermore I also needed to make my font smaller, which therefore put me in the situation of constructing another paragraph of text to fill up the page. This took more time, but I managed to get it finished by Friday 8th April.

Week 10
For my final week on the music magazine project I had a lot more to do than I first thought. On Monday 11th April I asked my teacher to read through my double page spread to see if it made sense, but I had to make many changes to my interview questions; which would take a lot longer than a lesson to correct. On Wednesday 13th I had finally finished the questions and DPS layout, which made it look a lot more professional. Furthermore the final deadline day was Thursday 14th were I spent most of my time re-reading my band interview and looking for any other layout problems on the front cover and contents. After re-adjusting certain parts on photoshop I saved all 3 of my pages as JPEG's and posted them on the blogger. Finished.

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