Friday 28 January 2011

Rough Cuts: Music Magazine (Comparing Both)

Firstly comparing both my draft and rough cut of my music magazine, you can see I have made a few slight changes as photo shopping certain sections would have been to difficult. For example the red triangles surrounding the 'top 10 albums this summer' was to hard to do and would have made the half circle look to crowded and hard to read. Secondly I changed how many artists names were on the bottom banner because this also seemed a little to busy; but I may add in a couple more for my final cut as I think this may look better than my rough cut.
Furthermore I also decided to change the positioning of the artists, as I had a last minute suggestion to have all the band members faces on show as this looked more appealing to the readers.
Moving onto my contents page where I didn't really make that many changes as I thought my draft layout was very well presented.
The first thing I decided to change was the artists/band names that appeared on my contents, as I was able to get some great photos from a recent gig I went to see. (Iron & Wine) Secondly I decided to add less smaller sub-contents pages  because anymore than 4 would make the whole page overcrowded. Finally I also took the bottom box off which would have had the band 'The Smiths' in, this was because the page looked to infested with bands so I chose to tone it down by adding in a 'EXTRA' box instead.

Onto my double page spread where I did have the odd few image and text changes, firstly I made the band CD cover a lot smaller as it seemed to over power the dominant image. I also changed the quote from the band in the centre of the page, as it didn't seem interesting enough to me. Furthermore I also changed the orange and red colour scheme to red and black, to match in with the main colours of my music magazine; which seems to look a lot better. The bands stances were also changed ever so slightly, as I wanted the singer to have a more open and broad stance compared to the other two members.  

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