Monday 31 January 2011

Diary Entry Week 4: Magazine Design and Video Interveiws

Monday 28th February- This was the start of me planning out my final music magazine design following on from my draft. On the 28th I started off choosing where I wanted my band to be positioned on the front cover and the colour design; while figuring out the lay out I realised there were a lot of things to take into account. I started off by drawing out the 3 band members in a order which shows their importance; the main singer was at the front and the 2 other band members behind. I decided to go with the idea I had at the start by making the magazine name 'VIVA' appear behind the artists to show I have followed the ideas of NME and MOJO.
Tuesday 1st March- On the second day I carried on with the design of my front cover but focused on the colours and sub headings surrounding my band; which I named The White Fight. The colour scheme I decided to choose was red, white and black as this was the most popular 3 colour scheme that was chosen in my questionnaire. For the sub heading layout I decided to go along the lines of NME and Q which have the artists name and a description below. I chose to have the artists name in black and in a larger font than the description which was in a smaller red font. Afterwards I decided to add some little touches to separate out each sub heading, I did this by using horizontal lines going a 3rd of the way across the page; just to make it look a little bit more interesting.
Wednesday 2nd March- On the 3rd day I focused on my contents page which was the hardest to organize, I wanted to keep it simple and stick to the idea of the NME contents pages. I chose to use a black line to separate out each page description. I then moved on to the smaller contents pages which I made separated by a red line and then used a black line for the next contents. The contents page was probably the easiest page to lay out as i stuck to the ideas of the magazines I analysed.
Thursday 3rd March- I then moved on to my double page spread of my made up band The White Fight, this page was probably my favorite to do my final design for as I really loved my first draft; so I didn't have to make many changes. The few changes I did decide to make were the tree branches to overlap some of the letters of The White Fight; this just made the branches look a little bit more 3D while not detracting any attention away from the band name. I also changed the quote from the band because I thought the other one seemed a little boring and to original.
Friday 4th March- On the final day I videoed my interviews for 5 people (mixed gender), this only took me about 30 minutes to do as I only asked about 6 questions per person. I then put my videos onto the computer and was able to edit the clips together on premier 4.0. This made my clips look a little more professional bu cutting out un-needed parts and fading in and out of clips. I then exported the clip, which unfortunately does take a long time; so I was unable to put my video interviews on my blogger before my diary entry.

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