Sunday 30 January 2011

Audience Research: Questionnaires

1. What attracts you most to the front cover of a magazine?
- Images: 8 people
- Style of font: 0 people
- Magazine title: 1 person

2. What font style do you most like to see in a magazine?
- Serif : 1 person
- Sans-serif: 1 person
- Both: 7 people

3. How would you prefer a contents page to be laid out?
- Writing on the left and photos to the right: 3 people
- Writing on the right and images on the left: 4 people
- Writing down the middle and images on both sides: 2 people

4. What makes you want to buy a music magazine?
- Images: 3 people
- Stories: 3 people
- Fonts/colours: 0 people
- Who is in the magazine: 3 people
- Price: 0 people

5. How do you like your double page spread to be laid out?
- Image on the left and overlapping onto the next page: 7 people
- Image only on left page and writing on the right hand page: 1 person
- Image going over both pages and writing over the top of image: 1 person

6. Out of these 3 sets of colours which would you be most attracted to?
- Red, White & Black: 7 people
- Blue, White & Black: 1 person
- Green, White & Black: 1 person

7. What price would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?
- £3.00: 5 people
- £4.00: 4 people
- £5.00: 0 people

8. What types of stories do you prefer to read about in a music magazine?
- Interviews: 6 people
- New Releases (songs, albums, new bands etc.) : 2 people
- New artists/on repeat artists: 1 person

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